Renee Maupai

  • Supports Parental Rights
  • Supports Education over Indoctrination
  • Conservative Community Values
  • 26 Years Law Enforcement
  • Former Hardyston School Employee
  • Mother with Children in Hardyston School District
  • 19+ Years Resident of Hardyston
  • Will fight to Remove Murphy's Over-Reaching Voice From Hardyston Schools

  • Renee will bring balance and transparency to what is happening in our schools. Renee is running for one reason---our children. Renee has lived in Hardyston since 2004 and her three boys are students in the District. As a parent, Renee has experienced, in-depth and in-person, the critical issues facing our schools.

    Our children have been put aside in order for the New Jersey State Board Of Education, in Trenton, to implement policies that leave parents out of the discussion. This leaves our kids unprotected.

    Renee's 26 years of experience in law enforcement, experience as a former Hardyston school employee,
    and especially being an involved parent, will bring a different perspective and give Renee an advantage in dealing with the district's challenges.

    Renee is passionate about education and believes every child deserves to have an excellent education in a safe and secure setting. The board deserves the best suitable candidates that represent our community. If elected, Renee will continually push for excellence, fairness, ask the tough questions and demand thorough and transparent answers.

    Renee looks forward to working together with our community to secure quality education for all our children. Renee will be honored to have your vote.

    Together, we will fight Trenton and the other destructive forces. We Must Make Education Great Again.

    * Savas * Ana * Renee **

    Line 3 Line 4 Line 5
    Tuesday, November 7th
    Hardyston Board of Education

  • Our Kids Belong To Their Parents Not To The State
  • No Sexualization Of Our Kids
  • Fundamental Education First